Nicole Nielsen Horanyi quotes

  • A photographic portrait needs more collaboration between sitter and artist than a painted portrait.

  • I have a portrait of Saint Thomas More in my office.

  • When I did my self-portrait, I left all the pimples out because you always should. Pimples are a temporary condition and they don't have anything to do with what you really look like. Always omit the blemishes-they're not part of the good picture you want.

  • Andre Breton once said that a portrait should not only be an image but an oracle one questions, and that the photographer's aim should be a profound likeness, which physically and morally predicts the subject's entire future.

  • When I look at great works of art or listen to inspired music, I sense intimate portraits of the specific times in which they were created.

  • Cristina Eisenberg weaves her observations as a scientist and her personal experiences afield into a resonant account about the web of life that links humans to the natural world. Grounded in best science, inspired by her intimate knowledge of the wolves she studies, she offers us a luminous portrait of the ecological relationships that are essential for our well-being in a rapidly changing world. The Wolf's Tooth calls for a conservation vision that involves rewilding the earth and honoring all our relations.

  • I have had unsuccessful films, but I learned a lot from those films. I give my failures as much importance as my success.

  • I love mysteries on television – the more psychologically complex the better.

  • I'm as moody and complex and private as anyone I ever knew.

  • I'm interested in characters that are complex people.

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