Patrick Reed quotes

  • I don't see a lot of guys that have done that [winning three times before age 24], besides Tiger Woods, of course, and, you know, the other legends of the game. It's just one of those things, I believe in myself and – especially with how hard I've worked – I'm one of the top five players in the world. I feel like I've proven myself.
    -- Patrick Reed

    #Believe #Winning #Player

  • I believe in myself, especially with how hard I've worked. I'm one of the top five players in the world. I feel like I've proven myself.
    -- Patrick Reed

    #Believe #Player #World

  • When I got to the first tee on the first day, to hear the cheers, it was like all the oxygen got sucked out. It was hard to pull the club back.
    -- Patrick Reed

    #Cheer #Golf #Oxygen

  • I used to believe in forever, but forever's too good to be true

  • The Christian that is bound by his own horizon, the church that lives simply for itself, is bound to die a spiritual death and sink into stagnancy and corruption. We never can thank God enough for giving us not only a whole Gospel to believe, but a whole world to give it to.

  • I believe it was the great ogre philosopher Gary who observed that complexity is, generally speaking, an illusion of conscious desire. All things exist in as simple a form as necessity dictates. When a thing is labeled 'complex,' that's just a roundabout way of saying you're not observant enough to understand it.

  • Of all liars the most arrogant are biographers: those who would have us believe, having surveyed a few boxes full of letters, diaries, bank statements and photographs, that they can play at the recording angel and tell the whole truth about another human life.

  • Freedom does not always win. This is one of the bitterest lessons of history.

  • Getting adjusted regularly is part of my goal to win in life and on the field.

  • You can't turn the ball over and expect to win.

  • We will win the battle for Africa, which is in effect a battle for Humanity.

  • Entrepreneurship: 10% coach, 20% player, 30% cheerleader, 40% waterboy.

  • Thank you to my family, my fans and fans of other teams for their support. The NFL is a fraternity of brothers and I am thankful for the tweets, phone calls and text messages from my fellow players. God Bless everyone and thank u so much,