Ayaka quotes

  • So with truth - there is a certain moment when one can say, this is the truth and here I put a dot, a stop, and I go to another thing. A judge has to put an end to a deliberation. But for a historian, theres never an end to the past. It can go on and on and on.

  • In my opinion, most of the great men of the past were only there for the beer - the wealth, prestige and grandeur that went with the power.

  • What we have done in the past is not sufficient now to prepare our youth.

  • You find new love not to forget the past love. But you forget the past because of that new love.

  • Though the past haunt me as a spirit, I do not ask to forget.

  • Even if you forget that´s not the same as if it never happened. The slate is not entirely wiped clean; you can´t reclaim the person you were beforehand; your state of innocence is not there to be retrieved.

  • Never forget that it is the spirit with which you endow your work that makes it useful or futile.

  • I willingly speak to those who know, but for those who do not know I forget.

  • Keep it simple, when you get too complex you forget the obvious.

  • You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.

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