Jermaine Jenas quotes

  • Carrying a knife has come from my fear of what ­someone might do to me. So I'll do ­something to them first. All you have to do is get a hint of danger and I'll all-out attack. There won't be waiting about to see if this person will attack me first.
    -- Jermaine Jenas

    #Waiting #Danger

  • There have always been ­gangland-type areas in Nottingham - but what's really hit me hard is kids as young as eight are now carrying knives to school. That was something I never saw when I was growing up. The police and ­families have got a ­responsibility. These young people are ­feeling trapped. They don't even have somewhere to go to just have fun.
    -- Jermaine Jenas

    #Growing Up #Fun #Responsibility

  • People have to carry on because if you don't the violence wins. We need to keep incentivising our youths to stop this vicious cycle.
    -- Jermaine Jenas

    #Winning #People #Violence

  • There have always been ­gangland-type areas in Nottingham - but what's really hit me hard is kids as young as eight are now carrying knives to school. That was something I never saw when I was growing up. The police and ­families have got a ­responsibility. These young people are ­feeling trapped. They don't even have somewhere to go to just have fun.
    -- Jermaine Jenas

    #Growing Up #Fun #Responsibility

  • Salvation, the prophets tell us, is preconditioned by repentance. The redeeming act of God waits upon man's initiative.

  • Don't take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.

  • Faith is not the clinging to a shrine but an endless pilgrimage of the heart. Audacious longing, burning songs, daring thoughts, an impulse overwhelming the heart, usurping the mind--these are all a drive towards serving Him who rings our hearts like a bell. It is as if He were waiting to enter our empty, perishing lives.

  • Everything comes to the man who won't wait.

  • Real serious waiting is done in waiting rooms, and what they all have in common is their purpose, or purposelessness, if you will; they are places for doing nothing and they have no life of their own. ... their one constant is what might be called a decorative rigor mortis ...

  • Waiting is a large part of living. Great, passive, negative chunks of our time are consumed by waiting, from birth to death. Waiting is a special kind of activity - if activity is the right word for it - because we are held in enforced suspension between people and places, removed from the normal rhythms of our days and lives.

  • Wait a minute, I'm a fan of yours; you can't be a fan of mine!

  • Maybe some are so busy waiting, they forget what indescribable beauty is right there in front of them.

  • Change holds danger, but also the potential for something new ~ and better ~ to be born.

  • God is like a computer, the more software you put in, the greater the danger that extensions will conflict.

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