Tim Worstall quotes

  • When the desirable jobs are spending other people's money, reporting on spending other people's money and lobbying to spend other people's money then you know that the society is f***ed.
    -- Tim Worstall

    #Jobs #People #Lobbying

  • But to value every company as if they are the next Google, rather than valuing them all as if one of them might be, is pretty much the definition of a bubble.
    -- Tim Worstall

    #Google #Definitions #Might

  • I'm glad to be able to announce that the UK now has it's very own mindless twit. || Either that or he's a damn good satirist.
    -- Tim Worstall

    #Able #Twits #Damn

  • I often feel that my days in New York City, that I was here for five years, didn't get one job, went on a thousands of auditions and literally did not get a job on a soap, not a movie, not TV, not nothing, although I did do some commercials thank God.

  • Rent' was my first professional job, ever.

  • Facts are what pedantic, dull people have instead of opinions.

  • My goal has been to encourage jointness, to push people to think of affiliations rather than to operate as solo entrepreneurs.

  • I have known some quite good people who were unhappy, but never an interested person who was unhappy.

  • People who deal with life generously and large-heartedly go on multiplying relationships to the end.

  • I don't believe in lobbying only progressives and liberal members of Congress. I don't believe in doing interviews only with those who share my views. I want to reach a wider audience.

  • You read constantly that banks are lobbying regulators and elected officials as if this is inappropriate. We don't look at it that way.

  • There is no lobbying interest on behalf of a low-paid worker. Nobody. Nobody represents them, yet somebody obviously represents Wal-Mart in Washington and McDonald's in Washington.

  • Few relationships are as critical to the business enterprise itself as the relationship to government. The manager has responsibility for this relationship as part of his responsibility to the enterprise itself. To a large extent the relationship to government results from what businesses do or fail to do.

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