Elevation quotes

  • After that, whenever I drove past Mangakahia, I would empty my ashtray - and I was a heavy smoker in those days - on the road outside the hall.

  • Russell Wilson has got a tremendous competitive mindset and it stems from the confidence that he feels based on the preparation that he puts in.

  • Who judges the judge who judges wrong?

  • I often look at women who wear great jeans and high heels and nice little T-shirts wandering around the city ,and I think, 'I should make more of an effort. I should look like that.' But then I think, 'They can't be happy in those heels.'

  • For everything divine and human, virtue, fame, and honor, now obey the alluring influence of riches.

  • As the classes in modern life come together, we have become much more intensely class conscious. It's a very curious thing. But I deal with human beings with whom I've come in contact and have had a chance to closely observe. Their upper-classness is not a matter of particular fascination for me.

  • There are so many opportunities that I could've gotten before if I had just took a little more of a risk.

  • I have a long list of things that make me mad.

  • It was the beauty that caught me and held my soul hostage... Remember those days? Had you smellin' my boxers.

  • It does not demean men to want to be what they imagine the wolf to be, but it does demean them to kill the animal for it.