Best School quotes

  • We cannot bank our hopes on possibilities. We must put our trust in ourselves, in our capabilities and efforts and strength and preparations not only for our success but even to avoid our own defeat.

  • Every decision is liberating, even if it leads to disaster. Otherwise, why do so many people walk upright and with open eyes into their misfortune?

  • Kindness makes a fellow feel good whether it's being done to him or by him.

  • Such nonsense!" declared Dr Greysteel. "Whoever heard of cats doing anything useful!" "Except for staring at one in a supercilious manner," said Strange. "That has a sort of moral usefulness, I suppose, in making one feel uncomfortable and encouraging sober reflection upon one's imperfections.

  • What is the point of being on this Earth if you are going to be like everyone else?

  • My lifetime listens to yours.

  • People are too pretentious in France to like Sarkozy. But he'd be a fabulous president for America.

  • Broken crayons still colour the same

  • The soul's maladies have their relapses like the body's. What we take for a cure is often just a momentary rally or a new form of the disease.

  • Jay Wexler is my kind of writer--a weird one, and a wry one, and one who isnt afraid to act silly in a sort of bait-and-switch that, to the readers surprise, moves him as much as it makes him laugh. Like all the best comedians, Wexler is clearly nursing a heart that the world broke a long time ago. Ed Tuttle is a book that cant decide what it wants to be when it grows up, but as with most cases of arrested development, theres something very serious going on behind all the antics. Plus, there are pictures.