Exactly Is quotes

  • Congratulations to Obama! He's now increased the debt more in three years than George W. Bush did his entire eight year presidency. But all that spending was worth it because just look at the great results! So what exactly is the argument that Obama isn't a hugely incompetent failure? So far it's 'Look! Over there! A war on women!'
    -- Frank J. Fleming

    #Congratulations #War #Exactly Is

  • I come from an improvisational background so I'm used to playing. I'm used to not knowing what exactly is going to come out.
    -- Naomi Grossman

    #Exactly Is #Knowing #Used

  • There are some filmmakers like the Coen brothers that are very precise. They make shooting boards, they do it shot by shot, and they follow every single line in their own script. They make amazing movies, and I admire them so much, but I can't do that. I have no idea how the movie will exactly be. While shooting, I just try to create an accident that I don't control very well - grabbing things from different sources and ideas, and then having a sensation somewhere that it will make sense.
    -- Pablo Larrain

    #Brother #Ideas #Exactly Is

  • And the pressure to clarify what exactly is happening to Christians and other minorities in the Middle East is certain to intensify in the New Year.
    -- Tom Gjelten

    #Christian #New Year #Exactly Is

  • And what exactly is nature walking? It's any and every kind of walking you can do in the natural world. The activity encompasses strolling, striding, sauntering, stepping, treading, tramping, traipsing, traversing, rambling, roving, roaming, racewalking, hiking, meandering, wandering, wending, pacing, peregrinating, perambulating ... in natural surroundings.
    -- Charlie Cook

    #Exactly Is #Hiking #World

  • ... all of my life I've made things that are like fragmented mirrors of what I perceive to be the world. As far as I'm concerned the fact that in 1990 the human body is still a taboo subject is unbelievably ridiculous. What exactly is frightening about the human body?
    -- David Wojnarowicz

    #Mirrors #Exactly Is #World

  • There's never a bad time to put earplugs in. They're the kind of thing you can reject as a bit lame, but somebody told me to do start wearing earplugs and it turned out to be great advice.

  • Sin is not so sinful as hypocrisy.

  • The mere idea of asking a family member if they intentionally stopped sending me an annual bonus makes me feel like breaking out in hives.

  • I turn up in Los Angeles every now and then, so I can get some big money films in order to finance my smaller money films.

  • We talk about the American Dream, and want to tell the world about the American Dream, but what is that Dream, in most cases, but the dream of material things? I sometimes think that the United States for this reason is the greatest failure the world has ever seen.

  • The only thing that helps you win the game is preparation and getting your mind ready to go to battle. That's what you've got to do.

  • To this day, H.R. Giger's work remains distinctive in every sense. He is frighteningly unique.

  • Calvin's theocentric irrationalism eventually revealed itself as the cunning to technocratic reason which had to shape its human material. Misery and the poor laws did not suffice to drive men into the workshops of the early capitalistic era. The new spirit helped to supplement external pressures with a concern for wife and child to which the moral autonomy of the introverted subject in reality was tantamount.

  • All language is but a poor translation.

  • I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.