Blake Ross famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Every venture capitalist says at some point, 'I wish I could run this company myself' -- to be the entrepreneur instead of the investor.

  • Entrepreneur is just French for 'has ideas, does them'.

  • Don't kill the competition. Competition is healthy for businesses. It keeps you the entrepreneur on your toes.

  • I would say to young entrepreneurs and budding philanthropists - are you giving to feel good or do good?

  • Inconsiderate to the last, Josef Stalin, a man who never had to meet a deadline, had the bad taste to die in installments.

  • It is rather for us here dedicated to the great task remaining before us, that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion.

  • Creating something new is easy, creating something that lasts is the challenge.

  • Ive always really been into science, and in the last five years Ive gotten into theoretical physics and the origins of the universe.

  • The sweetness of this life is found in remembering Allah; the sweetness of the next life will be found in seeing Him.

  • Sometimes there is no next time, no time-outs, no second chances. Sometimes it’s now or never.