Polycarp famous quotes
50 minutes ago
I exhort you, press on in your course, and exhort all men that they may be saved.
-- Polycarp -
Beware of greed and remain pure and just. Restrain yourself from every vice. He who cannot restrain himself, how will he be able to teach others restraint?
-- Polycarp -
Let us, therefore, foresake the vanity of the crowd and their false teachings, and turn back to the word delivered to us from the beginning.
-- Polycarp -
Eighty and six years have I served Christ, nor has He ever done me any harm. How, then, could I blaspheme my King who saved Me?....I bless Thee for deigning me worthy of this day and this hour that I may be among Thy martyrs and drink the cup of my Lord Jesus Christ.
-- Polycarp -
Hear me declare with boldness, I am a Christian,
-- Polycarp -
Eighty and six years have I served Him, and He never did me any injury: how then can I blaspheme my King and my Savior?
-- Polycarp -
If you imagine for a moment that I would do that, then I think you pretend that you don't know who I am. Hear it plainly. I am a Christian.
-- Polycarp -
If anyone does not refrain from the love of money, he will be defiled by idolatry and so be judged as if he were one of the heathen.
-- Polycarp -
by grace ye are saved, not of works,' but by the will of God through Jesus Christ . . . If we please Him in this present world, we shall receive also the future world, according as He has promised to us that He will raise us again from the dead, and that if we live worthily of Him, 'we shall also reign together with Him,' provided only we believe . . .
-- Polycarp -
Now may the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the eternal high priest himself, the Son of God Jesus Christ, build you up in faith and truth and in all gentleness and in all freedom from anger and forbearance and steadfastness and patient endurance and purity.
-- Polycarp -
Be all of you subject one to another having your conduct blameless among the Gentiles, that you may both receive praise for your good works, and the Lord may not be blasphemed through you. But woe to him by whom the name of the Lord is blasphemed! Teach, therefore, sobriety to all, and manifest it also in your own conduct
-- Polycarp
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