Kay Cannon famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Like most parents, I've been stumped by homework, the big questions, such as: 'What is the point of geography - the pilot always knows where we are going?'. Answer: 'If you didn't know any geography, people would think you were an American, and you wouldn't be able to put them right because you wouldn't know where they live.'

  • We must see what in the Israeli identity - in the Israeli - we can give to other people rather than speaking so often of taking, expanding territory.

  • Universities are not here to be mediums for the coercion of other people, they're here to be mediums for the free exchange of ideas.

  • Money has no color. If you can build a better mousetrap, it won't matter whether you're black or white. People will buy it.

  • Shooting is 99 per cent luck and one per cent training

  • Further, the same Arguments which explode the Notion of Luck, may, on the other side, be useful in some Cases to establish a due comparison between Chance and Design: We may imagine Chance and Design to be, as it were, in Competition with each other, for the production of some sorts of Events, and many calculate what Probability there is, that those Events should be rather be owing to the one than to the other.

  • With luck, a writer capable of producing both Slouching Towards Kalamazoo and The Blood of the Lamb will not remain unappreciated for long.

  • For there is merely bad luck in not being loved; there is misfortune in not loving.

  • My passionate belief is that business can be fun, it can be conducted with love and a powerful force for good.

  • So a moral position is not a message. A moral position is a passionate caring inside you.