Snakes famous quotes
Every time some new huckster of angst-ridden metaphor is appointed by Art Forum, the congregation genuflects, stroking the catalog like a handful of Rosary beads, and starts spreading that old gospel according to Hyperbole. No questions asked... And thus the bill of goods is sold, all along the line. An art historical snake, swallowing its own tale.
-- Abe Ajay -
The crookedness of the serpent is still straight enough to slide through the snake hole.
-- Abraham Verghese -
I'm after a snake and please God I'll scotch it.
-- Adam Hochschild -
To use a Southern euphemism, our space program has been snake-bit.
-- Al Gore -
Woman is a misbegotten man and has a faulty and defective nature in comparison to his. Therefore she is unsure in herself. What she cannot get, she seeks to obtain through lying and diabolical deceptions. And so, to put it briefly, one must be on one's guard with every woman, as if she were a poisonous snake and the horned devil. ... Thus in evil and perverse doings woman is cleverer, that is, slyer, than man. Her feelings drive woman toward every evil, just as reason impels man toward all good.
-- Albertus Magnus -
The carved images on the early Minoan sealstones are tantalising, inscrutable. The Nature Goddess is yanked from the soil like a snake or a sheaf of barley; the Mistress of the Animals suckles goats and gazelles. There are male Adorants certainly - up on tiptoe, their outstretched arms hoisted in a kind of heil, their bodies arched suggestively, pelvis forward, before the Goddess - but there are no masculine deities, not a single one in sight. No woman worth her salt, one might think, could fail to be intrigued.
-- Alison Fell -
ADDER, n. A species of snake. So called from its habit of adding funeral outlays to the other expenses of living.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Thin ribbons of fear snake bluely through you like a system of rivers. We need a cloudburst or soothing landscape fast, to still this panic. Maybe a field of dracaena, or a vast stand of sugar pines—generous, gum-yielding trees—to fill our minds with vegetable wonder and keep dread at bay.
-- Amy Gerstler -
I am like a snake who has already bitten. I retreat from a direct battle while knowing the slow effect of the poison.
-- Anais Nin -
Ah, come now. I look like an angel, but I'm not. The old rules of nature encompass many creatures like me. We're beautiful like the diamond-backed snake, or the striped tiger, yet we're merciless killers
-- Anne Rice -
What have you come to Earth for?' 'I'm having difficulties with a flower,' the little prince said. 'Ah!' said the snake. And they were both silent.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
[St. Patrick] was a terror to any snake that came in his path, whether it was the cold, slimy reptile sliding along the ground or the more dangerous snake that oppresses men through false teachings. And he drove the snakes out of the minds of men, snakes of superstition and brutality and cruelty.
-- Arthur Brisbane -
It isn't true that the laws of nature have been capriciously disturbed; that snakes have talked; that women have been turned into salt; that rods have brought water out of rocks.
-- Arthur Conan Doyle -
My favorite moments? Where it's all going swimmingly, the sun's out and I've got a fire going and a nice snake on the barbecue.
-- Bear Grylls -
I try and eat really healthy when I'm home, but I certainly don't eat worms and snakes.
-- Bear Grylls -
Well, it's a lot less dangerous - working with snakes and mountaibn lions and dangerous animals - than working in Hollywood [laughs]. Hollwood will kill you.
-- Bernie Krause -
You never die from a snake bite, you can't be unbitten it's in the way, what continues to pour through you long after the bite has taken place.
-- Bob Proctor -
I'm not scared of snakes, spiders or heights. I have three children; as a mum, you can't be afraid of things like that.
-- Britt Ekland -
You can't talk of the dangers of snake poisoning and not mention snakes.
-- C. Everett Koop -
A story can fly like a bee, so straight and swift you catch only the hum of its passing. Or move so slowly it seems motionless, curled in upon itself like a snake in the sun. It can vanish like smoke before the wind. Linger like perfume in the nose. Change with every telling, yet always remain the same.
-- Cameron Dokey -
Maybe it’s animalness that will make the world right again: the wisdom of elephants, the enthusiasm of canines, the grace of snakes, the mildness of anteaters. Perhaps being human needs some diluting.
-- Carol Emshwiller -
She knew herself, how she had slowly, over years, become a cat, a wolf, a snake, anything but a girl. How she had wrung out her girlhood like death.
-- Catherynne M. Valente -
Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous.
-- Chanakya -
But there's a juicy artery in your groin," he said after a pause to regroup, his voice as slithery as a snake on a slide. "Don't you talk dirty," I told him. "I won't listen to that.
-- Charlaine Harris -
In the middle ages, people took potions for their ailments. In the 19th century they took snake oil. Citizens of today's shiny, technological age are too modern for that. They take antioxidants and extract of cactus instead.
-- Charles Krauthammer -
I went out in my yard and saw a snake, so I got really scared, and I came back inside to get a shovel, and beat the hell out of that snake. Then I didn't have cable for a week.
-- Charlie Viracola -
...don't create snakes out of ropes. You have enough to worry about.
-- Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni -
To be crazy is not necessarily to writhe in snake pits or converse with imaginary gods. It can sometimes be not knowing what to do in the morning.
-- Christopher Lehmann-Haupt -
I tiger can smile A snake will say it loves you Lies make us evil
-- Chuck Palahniuk -
Even in these mercifully emancipated decades, many people still seem quite seriously alarmed at the prospect of sleeping away from officially consecrated campsites, with no more equipment than they can carry on their backs. When pressed, they babble about snakes or bears or even, by God, bandits. But the real barrier, I'm sure, is the unknown.
-- Colin Fletcher -
I have mentally overcome situations most of you would be terrified to ever attempt: heights, fire, needles, spiders, snakes, angry monkeys, being shot, being hit by a car, going blind - you name it, I have been in a situation where I have had to mentally overcome my inherent fears to do my job.
-- Criss Angel -
I always wanted to be a snake. Every time I saw a snake on TV. I'd always say 'Why not me?'
-- Dane Cook -
There is a pair of snakes who have learned to drive a car so recklessly that they would run you over in the street and never stop to apologize.
-- Daniel Handler -
The capacity to transform itself from the inside makes capitalism a somewhat peculiar beast - chameleon-like, it perpetually changes it colour; snake-like, it periodically sheds its skin.
-- David Harvey -
To be aroused in the dark by five feet of cold, green snake gliding over one's face is unpleasant.
-- David Livingstone -
Life feels like a game of Snakes and Ladders, but without any ladders.
-- David Moody -
The geometry of judgment is a circle. Hate is a snake that turns to consume itself from the tail, a circle that diminishes to a point, then to nothing. Pride is such a snake, and envy, and greed. Love, however, is a hoop, a wheel, that rolls on forever. We are rescued by those whom we have rescued. The saved become the saviors of their saviors.
-- Dean Koontz -
I do identify with St. Patrick, not just in name. He drove the snakes out of Ireland. I intend to drive the snakes out of the State House
-- Deval Patrick -
People don't like to feed live mice and rats to their snakes. Now we have a regular meat food that they will eat. Ninety percent of the snakes will eat this food and love it.
-- Dick Van Patten -
I've had a fair amount of experience with snakes, and I find them to be pretty honest in terms of how you read their body language and emotions. They'll tell you when they're grumpy. They'll tell you when they're okay.
-- Dominic Monaghan -
What I'm attempting to do is to show people that if I can spend some time with very dangerous spiders and snakes and scorpions, then maybe they'll feel different about the spiders and snakes they find around their areas. I don't need people to keep them as pets. I just like them to be respectful and see that everything in nature has its place.
-- Dominic Monaghan -
I remember when we were doing the first Dragon's Lair, I got really involved with coming up with all the little rooms and what was the danger in the room and going into it with bats and spiders and snakes.
-- Don Bluth -
If slander be a snake, it is a winged one - it flies as well as creeps.
-- Douglas William Jerrold -
Duty, though set about by thorns, may still be made a staff supporting even while it tortures. Cast it away, and, like the prophet's wand, it changes to a snake.
-- Douglas William Jerrold -
Meditation is one of the rare occasions when we're not doing anything. Otherwise, we're always doing something, we're always thinking something, we're always occupied. We get lost in millions of obsessions and fixations. But by meditating-by not doing anything- all these fixations are revealed and our obsessions will naturally undo themselves like a snake uncoiling itself.
-- Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche -
Without my protectionm your journey is doomed before you begin.' Great! I thought. Even the snake is a critic!
-- E.D. Baker -
But I'm in favor of every religion with the possible exception of snake-chunking. Anybody that so presumes on how he stands with Providence that he will let a snake bite him, I say he deserves what he's got coming to him.
-- Earl Long -
Fear is a tyrant and a despot, more terrible than the rack, more potent than the snake.
-- Edgar Wallace -
… what society overwhelmingly asks for is snake oil. Of course, the snake oil has the most impressive names — otherwise you would be selling nothing — like “Structured Analysis and Designâ€, “Software Engineeringâ€, “Maturity Modelsâ€, “Management Information Systemsâ€, “Integrated Project Support Environments†“Object Orientation†and “Business Process Re-engineeringâ€.
-- Edsger Dijkstra -
A madness of tender caressing seized her. She purred as a tiger might have done, while she undulated like a snake.
-- Elinor Glyn -
Credit cards are like snakes: Handle 'em long enough, and one will bite you.
-- Elizabeth Warren -
My work speaks of the finite and the infinite, of the macroscopic and the microscopic, the internal and external, by the masculine and feminine powers, but sex is like a snake, it slithers through everything.
-- Ernesto Neto -
There is no human law or law of God or national law that states that any healthy being has to permit the snake to eat the mouse - but on the other hand, it is perfectly justified to defend the mouse.
-- Ernst Kaltenbrunner -
I would not want to put him in charge of snake control in Ireland.
-- Eugene McCarthy -
In social matters, pointless conventions are not merely the bee sting of etiquette, but the snake bite of moral order.
-- Florence King -
I'm a snake oil salesman as much as anyone else, but I try to keep something for myself.
-- Freedy Johnston -
The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche -
Just as a snake sheds its skin, we must shed our past over and over again.
-- Gautama Buddha -
The next day she’d examined her red satin sandals and with a frown said, “I’m thinking about buying two snakes.†His are you kidding me “Why?†had caused her to shrug. “I’d name them Leftie and Rightie and when they were big enough, they’d become Mamma’s boots.
-- Gena Showalter -
All any feeling wants is to be welcomed with tenderness. It wants room to unfold. It wants to relax and tell its story. It wants to dissolve like a thousand writhing snakes that with a flick of kindness become harmless strands of rope.
-- Geneen Roth -
Swift as a deer. Quiet as a shadow. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Quick as a snake. Calm as still water.
-- George R. R. Martin -
The beating on the tail of the snake may stop his progress a little, but the more vital parts must be struck before his poisonous death-dealing venom will be wiped out.
-- George Washington Carver -
Oh, Randall, don't be such a vile beast!" "I don't think much of that",he said critically. "Amiable snake was much better.
-- Georgette Heyer -
We're doing Circle of Snakes, we open up with Skin Carver and we are throwing in Skull Forest later on.
-- Glenn Danzig -
I felt as if I had no control over what I said, as if loathsome, ugly words were waiting inside me like snakes and toads looking for a chance to sneak out before I could stop them.
-- Gloria Whelan -
Owing to ignorance of the rope the rope appears to be a snake; owing to ignorance of the Self the transient state arises of the individualized, limited, phenomenal aspect of the Self.
-- Guru Nanak -
The scientist who yields anything to theology, however slight, is yielding to ignorance and false pretenses, and as certainly as if he granted that a horse-hair put into a bottle of water will turn into a snake.
-- H. L. Mencken -
The mongoose I want under the stairs when the snakes slither by.
-- Hannibal -
Hot weather brings out snakes and slaveholders, and I like one class of the venomous creatures as little as I do the other.
-- Harriet Ann Jacobs -
Fascists are not human. A snake is more human.
-- Hugo Chavez -
A thin line between the haters and the ones who love us. A thinner line from the freedom and the foul judges, In the streets where the snake ***** hold grudges.
-- Intelligent Hoodlum -
Beware of manufacturing a God of your own: a God who is all mercy, but not just; a God who is all love, but not holy; a God who as a heaven for every body, but a hell for none; a God who can allow good and bad to be side by side in time, but will make no distinction between good and broad in eternity. Such a God is an idol of your own, as truly an idol as any snake or crocodile in an Egyptian temple. The hands of your own fancy and sentimentality have made him. He is not the God of the Bible, and beside the God of the Bible there is no God at all.
-- J. C. Ryle -
Yes, it's rather funny, really, that next to no-one realized the snake that Harry set free in Philosopher's Stone turned out to be Voldemort's final Horcrux, Nagini
-- J. K. Rowling -
Like a falling star, he descended on the Tarbh Cró, a Cassiline berserker, his sword biting and slashing like a silver snake.
-- Jacqueline Carey -
Broken Horses is an artistic triumph. Beautifully written, acted and imaged, this film wraps slowly around you like a king snake and squeezes,
-- James Cameron -
The snake kills by squeezing very slowly. This is how the civilized world slowly, slowly pushes into the forest and takes away the world that used to be.
-- James Cameron -
Propaganda is a soft weapon; hold it in your hands too long, and it will move about like a snake, and strike the other way.
-- Jean Anouilh -
An idea is a greater monument than a cathedral. And the advance of man's knowledge is a greater miracle than all the sticks turned to snakes or the parting of the waters.
-- Jerome Lawrence -
The only reason Jake 'The Snake' Roberts doesn't drink and drive anymore is because he is afraid he might hit a bump and spill his drink.
-- Jerry Lawler -
I'm a tiger when I want love, but I'm a snake if we disagree.
-- Jethro Tull -
That is a trial I must face," Veka said. "No, that is a multiheaded snake thing, Jig snapped.
-- Jim C. Hines -
I guess Satan was the first superhero [...] In his first adventure, he took the form of a snake to free two prisoners being held naked in a Third World jungle prison by an all-powerful megalomaniac. At the same time, he broadened their diet and introduced them to their own sexuality.
-- Joe Hill -
My old daddy used to say "kill the closest snake first".
-- John Dingell -
So glistered the dire Snake , and into fraud Led Eve, our credulous mother, to the Tree Of Prohibition, root of all our woe.
-- John Milton -
To look at any thing, If you would know that thing, You must look at it long: To look at this green and say, "I have seen spring in these Woods," will not do - you must Be the thing you see: You must be the dark snakes of Stems and ferny plumes of leaves, You must enter in To the small silences between The leaves, You must take your time And touch the very peace They issue from.
-- John Moffitt -
I'm one of those people who snake through the crowd, keep my head low. I'm not looking for attention.
-- Julian Lennon -
That earns him a smack with my book bag. "Ow." He clutches his arm. "What do you have in there? Books?" A grin snakes across his face. "I like my women feisty." He adds, "I like my broken.
-- Julie Anne Peters -
In neurotics, worm phobias are usually found as well as snake phobias.
-- Karl Abraham -
It makes my skin crawl to think about the violent ways snakes, lizards, alligators and other exotic creatures are raised and killed for boots, bags and belts.
-- Kelly Brook -
I'm not about to go out and buy a snake for a pet. I mean, I may have faced a few fears but I'm not insane.
-- Kristin Davis -
I have written a lot about snakes. There's something pretty primordial about it.
-- Laurie Anderson -
The first time I showed the tattoo it was big news in the newspaper. 'She has a tattoo with a snake.' It's not a snake!
-- Li Na -
Petra turned to her. "Everybody lies about who they are. Name one person here who isn't doing that and I will drop out right now!" Shanti felt that snake of truth coil around her legs, threatening to squeeze. "I didn't mean..." "No one ever does." Petra said, shoving the baton back at Shanti.
-- Libba Bray -
I’m a big fan of the whip... That snake whip was awesome!
-- Lily Collins