Broken famous quotes
No matter how strong a condom is, it won't protect you from a broken heart.
-- A. C. Green -
There is always a certain leap of faith that editors have made with their nonfiction writers. If the trust is broken, things can get very embarrassing for the writers and the publisher.
-- A. Scott Berg -
I'd worried that letting her get too close would break me. Unfortunately, I'd worried about that a little too late. Because I was broken. The Cage I was before Eva no longer existed. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I'd fallen in love with her. I'd allowed someone in and she hadn't want me. I hadn't been good enough. I never was.
-- Abbi Glines -
I'm one-hundred-fifty miles off Cape Horn, both autopilots are broken, and my boat is drifting toward one of the nastiest chunks of ocean on the face of the earth.
-- Abby Sunderland -
Even when muddy your wings sparkle bright wonders that heal broken worlds.
-- Aberjhani -
Oh what a wonderful soul so bright inside you. Got power to heal the sun’s broken heart, power to restore the moon’s vision too.
-- Aberjhani -
I turn to right and left, in all the earth I see no signs of justice, sense or worth: A man does evil deeds, and all his days Are filled with luck and universal praise; Another's good in all he does - he dies A wretched, broken man whom all despise.
-- Abolqasem Ferdowsi -
Reputation is like fine china: Once broken it's very hard to repair.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
Don't Let Him Know is a rich, evocative and brilliantly told tale of family, of loyalties, and of love that must stay secret. Sandip Roy has broken new ground in this tale of the modern Indian family. A lovely read
-- Abraham Verghese -
We are all fixing what is broken. It is the task of a lifetime. We'll leave much unfinished for the next generation.
-- Abraham Verghese -
According to Shiva, life is in the end about fixing holes. Shiva didn't speak in metaphors. fixing holes is precisely what he did. Still, it's an apt metaphor for our profession. But there's another kind of hole, and that is the wound that divides family. Sometimes this wound occurs at the moment of birth, sometimes it happens later. We are all fixing what is broken. It is the task of a lifetime. We'll leave much unfinished for the next generation.
-- Abraham Verghese -
We live in bodies that are fearfully and wonderfully made, yet they are not immune to illness and pain. We have hearts that are capable of experiencing great love, but sometimes they get broken.
-- Adam Hamilton -
Hours are golden links, God's token Reaching heaven; but one by one Take them, lest the chain be broken Ere the pilgrimage be done.
-- Adelaide Anne Procter -
Crypto will not be broken, it will be bypassed
-- Adi Shamir -
Obstacles do not exist to be surrendered to, but only to be broken.
-- Adolf Hitler -
National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with the democratic order.
-- Adolf Hitler -
When a man dies, flesh is frayed and broken in the fire, but not his will.
-- Aeschylus -
But when I know that the glass is already broken, every minute with it is precious.
-- Ajahn Chah -
Today I divide my day between being actor, producer and distributor, and the monotony is broken.
-- Ajay Devgan -
Achievement without fulfillment "High achievement without fulfillment is a broken way of life."
-- Al Duncan -
Not by way of the forced and worn formula of Romaticism, but throught the closeness of an imagination that has never broken kinship with nature. Art must accept such gifts, and revaluate the giver.
-- Alain LeRoy Locke -
The tragedy is not that things are broken. The tragedy is that things are not mended again.
-- Alan Paton -
Infidelity is a deal breaker for me. I've broken up with people over it. You can't do monogamy 90 percent of the time.
-- Alanis Morissette -
A river or stream is a cycle of energy from sun to plants to insects to fish. It is a continuum broken only by humans.
-- Aldo Leopold -
Escape through travel works. Almost from the moment I boarded my flight, life in England became meaningless. Seat-belt signs lit up, problems switched off. Broken armrests took precedence over broken hearts. By the time the plane was airborne I'd forgotten England even existed.
-- Alex Garland -
Nobody goes through life without having their heart broken and one day you'll wake up and it'll be okay.
-- Alexa Chung -
The experience of treaties being broken with impunity provide an afflicting lesson to mankind how little dependence is to be placed on treaties which have no other sanction than the obligations of good faith; and which oppose general considerations of peace and justice to the impulse of any immediate interest and passion.
-- Alexander Hamilton -
See the wild Waste of all-devouring years! How Rome her own sad Sepulchre appears, With nodding arches, broken temples spread! The very Tombs now vanish'd like their dead!
-- Alexander Pope -
What I’ve loved most after you, is myself: that is, my dignity and that strength which made me superior to other men. That Strength was my life. You’ve broken it with a word, so I must die.
-- Alexandre Dumas -
We don't even realize something is broken until someone else shows us a better way
-- Alexis Ohanian -
You can be healed of depression if every day you begin the first thing in the morning to consider how you will bring a real joy to someone else.
-- Alfred Adler -
I remember the way we parted, The day and the way we met; You hoped we were both broken-hearted And knew we should both forget.
-- Algernon Charles Swinburne -
Do not be too hard, lest you be broken; do not be too soft, lest you be squeezed.
-- Ali ibn Abi Talib -
All we are is eyes looking for the unbroken or the edges where the broken bits might fit each other.
-- Ali Smith -
There must be room for penitence to mend Life's broken chance; else noise of wars would unmake heaven.
-- Alice Cary -
Red has been praised for its nobility of the color of life. But the true color of life is not red. Red is the color of violence, or of life broken open, edited, and published. Or if red is indeed the color of life, it is so only on condition that it is not seen. Once fully visible, red is the color of life violated, and in the act of betrayal and of waste.
-- Alice Meynell -
Before, they had never found themselves broken together. Usually, it was one needing the other but not both needing each other, and so there had been a way, by touching, to borrow from the stronger one's strength.
-- Alice Sebold -
A writer's heart, a poet's heart, an artist's heart, a musician's heart is always breaking. It is through that broken window that we see the world...
-- Alice Walker -
You can't truly have an open heart until it's been broken.
-- Alice Walker -
Rules should always be bent, if not broken. It's the only way to have any fun.
-- Alyson Noel -
It changes you a little bit every time you either break someone's heart or get your heart broken.
-- Amanda Seyfried -
The Arab soul is broken by poverty, unemployment, and general recession. The Tunisian revolution is not far from us. The Arab citizen entered an unprecedented state of anger and frustration.
-- Amr Moussa -
In my head there's a broken balcony I fall off of when I speak.
-- Amy Hempel -
We've all fallen, but at the same time we're not broken. There is the hint that we are going to get up again.
-- Amy Lee -
The answer to a lot of your life's questions is often in someone else's face. People's faces will tell you amazing things. Like if they are angry, or nauseous, or asleepTry to keep your mind open to possibilities and your mouth closed on matters that you don't know about. Limit your 'always' and your 'nevers.' Continue to share your heart with people even if it has been broken.
-- Amy Poehler -
It's natural for humans to suppress urges, for when our desires are left unchecked they lead to broken relationships, prison time, and forest fires.
-- Amy Sedaris -
All of my creation is an effort to weave a web of connection with the world: I am always weaving it because it was once broken.
-- Anais Nin -
Don't say anything, because I see that you understand me, and I am afraid of your understanding. I have such a fear of finding another like myself, and such a desire to find one! I am so utterly lonely, but I also have such a fear that my isolation be broken through, and I no longer be the head and ruler of my universe. I am in great terror of your understanding by which you penetrate into my world; and then I stand revealed and I have to share my kingdom with you.
-- Anais Nin -
We are in a crisis today because the practical consensus between the left and the right, linking economic efficiency with social protection, has broken down
-- Andre Glucksmann -
Seldom is a Gothic head more beautiful than when broken.
-- Andre Malraux -
When your heart is broken, you plant seeds in the cracks and pray for rain.
-- Andrea Gibson -
...the law which is never to be broken is never required.
-- Andrew Carnegie -
God makes it clear that his image bearers must live in dynamic communion with one another, thereby discovering and celebrating the good gift of one's own gender and that of the other. With a cross-shaped lens, we behold the beauty of man for woman and woman for man. None of us has ever lost that original design. No matter how broken we have become, we have never lost the potential to be good gifts for others!
-- Andrew Comiskey -
The guilt I felt for having a mental illness was horrible. I prayed for a broken bone that would heal in six weeks. But that never happened. I was cursed with an illness that nobody could see and nobody knew much about.
-- Andy Behrman -
Like birds whose wings are broken, you live without direction!
-- Andy Biersack -
Brain gets bent, heart gets broken You can't jump off once the pages turn School is out but never over That's the only lesson you can learn
-- Andy Partridge -
Well thank you, me old gobbler,' said Mr. Gum handing over some money that Billy William would later discover to be made out of lies and broken promises.
-- Andy Stanton -
A broken heart is never a tragedy. Only untimely death is a tragedy.
-- Angela Carter -
I never thought I'd have children; I never thought I'd be in love, I never thought I'd meet the right person. Having come from a broken home - you kind of accept that certain things feel like a fairy tale, and you just don't look for them.
-- Angelina Jolie -
We’re all women. We all have the same wonderful situations happen to us, the same horrific situations. We all get our hearts broken.
-- Angie Harmon -
Love is a broken vase whose shape everyone remembers differently.
-- Anis Mojgani -
When we lay the soil of our hard lives open to the rain of grace and let joy penetrate our cracked and dry places, let joy soak into our broken skin and deep crevices, life grows. How can this not be the best thing for the world? For us?
-- Ann Voskamp -
So this was betrayal. It was like being left alone in the desert at dusk without water or warmth. It left your mouth dry and will broken. It sapped your tears and made you hollow.
-- Anna Godbersen -
I’m moved by everything broken and crippled. Since that’s how we really are.
-- Anna Kamienska -
I believe in solitude broken like bread by poetry.
-- Anne Hebert -
My heart was broken and my head was just barely inhabitable
-- Anne Lamott -
Everyone is screwed up, broken, clingy, and scared
-- Anne Lamott -
Everyone is screwed up, broken, clingy, and scared, even the people who seem to have it more or less together. They are much more like you than you would believe. So try not to compare your insides to their outsides.
-- Anne Lamott -
And so this young one, this young one whom I had so loved, I had to forsake, no matter how broken my heart, no matter how lonely my soul, no matter how bruised my intellect and spirit.
-- Anne Rice -
(About parenting:) ... all that tedium, broken up by little spurts of high drama.
-- Anne Tyler -
Everybody that went away suffered a broken heart. "I'm coming back some day," they all wrote. But never did. The old life was too small to fit anymore.
-- Annie Proulx -
If you've broken the eggs, you should make the omelette.
-- Anthony Eden -
It is the savor of bread broken with comrades that makes us accept the values of war.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
As far as her mom was concerned, tea fixed everything. Have a cold? Have some tea. Broken bones? There's a tea for that too. Somewhere in her mother's pantry, Laurel suspected, was a box of tea that said, 'In case of Armageddon, steep three to five minutes'.
-- Aprilynne Pike -
India's great economic boom, the arrival of the Internet and outsourcing, have broken the wall between provincial India and the world.
-- Aravind Adiga -
Spoken of the young Archimedes: . . . [he] was as much enchanted by the rudiments of algebra as he would have been if I had given him an engine worked by steam, with a methylated spirit lamp to heat the boiler; more enchanted, perhaps for the engine would have got broken, and, remaining always itself, would in any case have lost its charm, while the rudiments of algebra continued to grow and blossom in his mind with an unfailing luxuriance. Every day he made the discovery of something which seemed to him exquisitely beautiful; the new toy was inexhaustible in its potentialities.
-- Archimedes -
If one does not wish bonds broken, one should make them elastic and thereby strengthen them.
-- Ardant du Picq -
Women have broken through the glass ceiling, and they're now more and more in the power seats.
-- Aretha Franklin -
With all of the talk about polling and demographics, I think too many people have lost touch with the human and moral crisis of deportations. Every day, roughly 1,000 people are deported because the Republican leadership of the House of Representatives is denying the majority of the US Congress a chance to vote on citizenship. I will be arrested today because the labor movement stands with the families tragically ripped apart by John Boehner and the House Republicans’ embrace of a broken immigration system.
-- Arlene Holt Baker -
The old structure of the West as a synthesis of classical culture, Christianity, and the impulses of peoples entering history for the Žfirst time has broken down. A new unity, however, has not yet emerged. We stand in this transitional period, this ‘interregnum’ which leaves its mark on every spiritual activity. The Conservative Revolution is conditioned by it, and at the same time sees itself as an attempt to overcome it.
-- Armin Mohler -
I still have your pocket watch, my dear father. Like me, it is broken, but stubborn, and still keeps going.
-- Arno Hintjens -
Those meaningless and unanswerable questions the minds keep returning to, like a tongue exploring a broken tooth.
-- Arthur C. Clarke -
No matter how many media for the dissemination of news are created, there is one rule that should never be broken:TELLTHE PEOPLE!
-- Arthur Christiansen -
There shall be poets! When woman's unmeasured bondage shall be broken, when she shall live for and through herself, man--hitherto detestable--having let her go, she, too, will be poet! Woman will find the unknown! Will her ideational worlds be different from ours? She will come upon strange, unfathomable, repellent, delightful things; we shall take them, we shall comprehend them.
-- Arthur Rimbaud -
Fiction and non-fiction are only different techniques of story telling. For reasons I do not fully understand, fiction dances out of me. Non-fiction is wrenched out by the aching, broken world I wake up to every morning.
-- Arundhati Roy -
My computer must be broken: whenever I ask a wrong question, it gives a wrong answer.
-- Ashleigh Brilliant -
I've never had my heart broken. And I don't want to have my heart broken. I'm afraid of it. Even when I break someone else's heart, I'm really upset about it. And I'm not even feeling half of what they are...
-- Ashley Benson -
All Egyptians, not only the protestors, have broken through the fear barrier, therefore I expect only one outcome - protests will continue until Mubarak steps down from power.
-- Asmaa Mahfouz -
And if I know anything at all, it's that a wall is just a wall and nothing more at all. It can be broken down.
-- Assata Shakur -
The fact that we are here and that I speak these words is an attempt to break that silence and bridge some of those differences between us, for it is not difference which immobilizes us, but silence. And there are so many silences to be broken.
-- Audre Lorde -
The video game story-development process is incredibly broken.
-- Austin Grossman -
My heart is broken... I'm lying here My thoughts are choking On you my dear...
-- Avril Lavigne -
I don't have much in me left for Somalia, because the country is so broken, it's not realistic to daydream about it.
-- Ayaan Hirsi Ali -
Yoga allows you to rediscover a sense of wholeness in your life, where you do not feel like you are constantly trying to fit broken pieces together.
-- B.K.S. Iyengar -
The place I like best in this world is the kitchen. No matter where it is, no matter what kind, if it’s a kitchen, if it’s a place where they make food, it’s fine with me. Ideally it should be well broken in. Lots of tea towels, dry and immaculate. Where tile catching the light (ting! Ting!)†(p. 3).
-- Banana Yoshimoto -
If poverty is a disease that infects the entire community in the form of unemployment and violence, failing schools and broken homes, then we can't just treat those symptoms in isolation . We have to heal that entire community.
-- Barack Obama -
Pain nourishes courage. You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you. Pain is inevitable. Misery is optional. Physical pain is a fact that comes with living, just as illness or financial woes or broken relationships are facts. But misery is a state of mind, a reaction to the facts, that can be controlled or altered by an act of will....
-- Barbara -
Only in the shattering can the rebuilding occur
-- Barbara Marciniak -
There are various ways of mending a broken heart, but perhaps going to a learned conference is one of the more unusual.
-- Barbara Pym -
And there was a real shedding of the old dogma, like boundaries of morality were being broken down and everybody was into the new party mode of just loving on each other. Which destroyed thousands of us. I lost 16 of my personal friends through that lifestyle.
-- Barry McGuire