“The massive quantities of radiation that would be released in a war fought with nuclear weapons might, over time, cause such great changes in the human gene pool that following generations might not be recognizable as human beings.”
Source : Helen Caldicott (1980). “Nuclear madness: what you can do”
“An author who enjoys writing may sometimes please other people by accident, but he can never pass on to any one else the zestful thrill he feels himself.”
Source : Annie Edith Foster Jameson, J. E. Buckrose (1923). “What I Have Gathered”
“It's got to do with putting yourself in other people's shoes and seeing how far you can come to truly understand them. I like the empathy that comes from acting.”
“It’s a nice challenge to escape your reality. I think that’s why actors do what we do. We like to play other people. It’s therapeutic.”
Source : "Stella Maeve On 'Golden Boy' and Being Named After Stella Adler". Interview with Shelley Brown, www.backstage.com. February 21, 2013.
“In the darkness, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood like a hundred golden urns pouring out of the sun.”
“A man seems never to know what anything means till he has lost it; and this I suppose is the reason why losses--vanishing away of things--are among the teachings of this world of shadows.”
“The notion of evil for its own sake strikes me as boring -- all these Dark Lords intent on creating wastelands packed with enslaved victims... for what?”
“A liar is always lavish of oaths.”
Source : "Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations" by Jehiel Keeler Hoyt, Le Menteur, III. 5, p. 485-87, 1922.