“Yoga has reinforced and grounded my own spiritual beliefs.”
“If being a decent soul is being maternal, then fine. I'll call it human.”
Source : "Mary Beard reveals she befriended Twitter trolls following online abuse" by Hannah Ellis-Petersen, www.theguardian.com. August 27, 2014.
“Violence against women is perhaps the most shameful human rights violation, and it is perhaps the most pervasive. It knows no boundaries of geography, culture or wealth. As long as it continues, we cannot claim to be making real progress towards equality, development and peace”
“For me, living and making music, they're one thing. It's not like a job that I go to a studio to do, or a chore that I have to get myself in the mood to do, or something. It's the thing that I need to do every day.”
“I think it's fine for a singer to sing someone else's song. But the thing I don't like is when a singer that can write songs starts getting someone else to do it for them.”
Source : Source: pitchfork.com
“I know that I've been given more than beyond measure. I come alive when I see beyond my fears. I know that I've been given more than earthly treasure. I come alive when I've broken down and given you control.”
Source : Song: Beyond Measure, Album: Beyond Measure, 2006
“Women need to remember that if nature has made them plain, grace can make them beautiful, and if nature has made them beautiful, good deeds can add to their beauty. Grace will make you beautiful and will attract truly godly men to you. Make godliness and inward beauty your priority.”
Source : Joshua Harris (2009). “Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courtship”, p.118, Multnomah
“[On Einstein:] You cannot analyze him, otherwise you will misjudge him. Such a genius should be irreproachable in every respect. But no, nature doesn't behave like this. Where she gives extravagantly, she takes away extravagantly.”