#World Love Quotes #World Quotes #Lovers Quotes
“You need to have dreams. Everything starts with a dream.”
“Why do you think people cheat?," I asked. "Because they're bored? Because they can? Because they're selfish and think they're entitled to anything they want? Because they don't think they'll get caught?”
Source : Sarah Mlynowski (2011). “Ten Things We Shouldn't Have Done”, p.153, Hachette UK
“So, what I say to people is that politics has got to be about principle and values above all. Of course, there are times when you have to make accommodations.”
“A man's liberties are none the less aggressed upon because those who coerce him do so in the belief that he will be benefited.”
“Pliny... makes the statement, and for untrustworthiness of statement he cannot easily be surpassed.”
“What is the pattern that connects the crab to the lobster and the primrose to the orchid, and all of them to me, and me to you?”
“Meaning is man-created. And because you constantly look for meaning, you start to feel meaninglessness.”
“I say at this point, for different reasons, Bush and Hussein are both very threatening to world peace and to deny that is to be incredibly naive.”
Charles Lindbergh Aviator