“. . . work even when I'm satisfied with it is never my child I love nor my servant I've brought to heel. It's always busy work I do with my left hand, and part of me watches grudging the wastes of a lifetime.”
“My kids love it. I thought I was the coolest dad in the world when I got to be in a Bond film, but 'Harry Potter', too? Well, I think I qualify for a medal for exceptional parenting or something, don't you?”
“Artillerymen have a love for their guns which is perhaps stronger than the feeling of any soldier for his weapon or any part of his equipment.”
“Books were my passion and my escape from madness.”
Source : Dorothea Benton Frank (2007). “The Christmas Pearl”
“The great comfort of turning forty-nine is the realization that you are now too old to die young.”
“He who has lost only those of whose faith and truth he is sure, has not yet reached the depth of human desolation.”
Source : "The Friends of Voltaire". Book by Evelyn Beatrice Hall, 1906.
“Generally Canadian films are smaller. I think the market here is a tenth of the size of the States. So there's less resources to put into the films.”
Source : Source: collider.com
“It's been very important throughout my career that I've met all the guys I've copied, because at each stage they've said, 'Don't play like me, play like you.'”