“I am afraid that I do not believe that any body of men can have enough knowledge of the past, the present and the future to establish "development priorities" which presumably means procuring some developments as being good and prohibiting others as being bad.”
Source : Official Report of Proceedings of the Hong Kong Legislative Council (p. 212), March 27, 1968.
“My idea is to give hope, because where there is no hope, there is no vision, and where there is no vision, people will perish.”
“You've got to live life to the fullest. You just enjoy every beautiful thing there is to enjoy.”
“I'm a firm believer in absolute honesty.”
“His [Gen. Douglas MacArthur's] own heroes were Lincoln and Washington, and in some ways he resembled them.”
“It is difficult to predict the outcome of any Presidency, but with Donald Trump the worst-case scenarios seem particularly plausible, because he is so uninterested in the safeguards that might prevent them.”
Source : Source: www.commonwealmagazine.org
“Tonight I saw myself in the dark window as the image of my father, whose life was spent like this, thinking of death, to the exclusion of other sensual matters, so in the end that life was easy to give up, since it contained nothing: even my mother's voice couldn't make him change or turn back as he believed that once you can't love another human being you have no place in the world.”
“A great mind must be androgynous.”
Source : Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1835). “Specimens of the Table Talk of the Late Samuel Taylor Coleridge: In Two Volumes”, p.96