#Eight Quotes #Posse Quotes
“Many a night I woke to the murmer of paper and knew (Dad) was up, sitting in the kitchen with frayed King James - oh, but he worked that book; he held to it like a rope ladder.”
Source : Leif Enger (2001). “Peace Like a River”, p.103, Atlantic Monthly Press
“Opponents confront us continually, but actually there is no opponent there. Enter deeply into an attack and neutralize it as you draw that misdirected force into your own sphere.”
“It is in vain a daring author thinks of attaining to the heights of Parnassus if he does not feel the secret influence of heaven and if his natal star has not formed him to be a poet.”
“You don't need to look like everybody else. Love who you are.”
Source : FaceBook post by Lea Michele from Feb 10, 2012
“Religion makes good people better and bad people worse.”
“Faithfulness and sincerity are the highest things.”
“I don't think I ever saw Hank with anybody, say, 'Let's go write a song.' One Sunday morning we left Nashville to go to Birmingham to do a matinee and a night, and he said, 'Hand me that tablet up there.' And he wrote down, 'Hey, good lookin', what you got cookin'' and before we got to Birmingham it was finished.”
“There are people who live, breathe and dress tennis.”
Hugo Grotius Jurist
William the Silent Prince