“Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer...and we are his chosen people...”
Source : "The Taboo Speech" by Mike Walsh, www.renegadetribune.com. January 12, 2016.
“Too much indulgence has ruined thousands of children; too much love not one.”
Source : Fanny Fern (1872). “Caper-sauce: A Volume of Chit-chat about Men, Women, and Things”, p.107
“It's a Samurai story [47 ronin], so if we change too much Japanese audiences will have strong against feelings to the film. It's not good.”
Source : Source: collider.com
“You know how much I am inclined to explain all disputes among philosophical schools as merely verbal disputes or at least to derive them originally from verbal disputes”
Source : Moses Mendelssohn (2011). “Morning Hours: Lectures on God's Existence”, p.9, Springer Science & Business Media
“More computing sins are committed in the name of efficiency (without necessarily achieving it) than for any other single reason - including blind stupidity.”
Source : "A Case Against the GOTO," Proceedings of the 25th National ACM Conference, (pp. 791-797), August 1972.
“Contemporary art will help me to modernise our society.”
“...Bear true witness, even if it be against yourselves, your parents or your family.”
“‎"It always seemed somehow less real here... a really detailed dream, but sort of washed out, like a thin watercolor. Softer, somehow, even with their electric light and engines and everything. I guess it was because there was hardly any magic.”