“Selfishness beats altruism within groups. Altruistic groups beat selfish groups. Everything else is commentary.”
Source : David Sloan Wilson (2015). “Does Altruism Exist?: Culture, Genes, and the Welfare of Others”, p.71, Yale University Press
“If a man is a man and not a sheep in the flock, he has a survival instinct in him that leads him to fight even if he realizes he’s fighting in vain, even if he knows he will lose..”
Source : Oriana Fallaci (1980). “A man”, Simon & Schuster
“We remember with our emotions. The things that were important in our emotional life, that's what we remember.”
Source : Julius Lester (2003). “When Dad Killed Mom”, p.130, HMH
“[The American position at the UN is] essentially impotent, without influence, heavily outvoted, and isolated.”
“Nature's far too subtle to repeat herself.”
“In nearly everything I write, I am like a ventriloquist, throwing my voice into my characters, animating them by the slightest twitch as I register my anxieties and alarms. This is true even in my comedies.”
“What kind of life can you have in a house without books?”
Source : Sherman Alexie (2013). “Flight: A Novel”, p.16, Open Road Media
“Things are going to go wrong, and I think we are false to life if we don't portray it. But there is also the hope that some lucky clown is going to come along and stumble into the gold mine. And I think you are also entitled to hold out that hope.”