“My mom was the breadwinner in my family. I always thought, That's how it is. I never thought that was the exception.”
Source : Source: www.glamour.com
“Three things remain with us from paradise: stars, flowers and children.”
“Real heroes are all around us and uncelebrated.”
Source : "Biography / Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“What could equal the bliss? / The thrill of the first kiss / It'll blow right to you / It's never as good as the first time.”
Source : Song: Never as Good as the First Time, Album: Promise
“Nowadays, to say that we are clever animals is not to say something philosophical and pessimistic but something political and hopeful - namely, if we can work together, we can make ourselves into whatever we are clever and courageous enough to imagine ourselves becoming. This is to set aside Kant's question "What is man?" and to substitute the question "What sort of world can we prepare for our great grandchildren?”
Source : Richard Rorty (1998). “Truth and Progress: Philosophical Papers”, p.175, Cambridge University Press
“Roll over Beethoven, tell Tchaikovsky the news.”
Source : 1956 'Roll over Beethoven'.
“I almost tell him that I'd never be able to do something like that, just take out my instrument and begin playing on a street corner. But it feels to personal. Yes, I'm shy, but why bring it to his attention? I'm too shy to talk about how shy I am.”
“In the sublime days before 11 September 2001, when the powerful were routinely attacking and terrorising the weak, and those dying were black or brown-skinned non-people living in faraway places such as Zaire and Guatemala, there was no terrorism. When the weak attacked the powerful, spectacularly on 9/11, there was terrorism.”