#Desert Quotes #Trials Quotes #Affliction Quotes
“How fragile we are, between the few good moments.”
Source : Jane Hirshfield (2011). “Come, Thief: Poems”, p.6, Knopf
“Interpreting anyone's marriage - a neighbor's, let alone the president's - is extremely difficult.”
“I can't ask for more out of life, and the more I learn, the less I know.”
Source : Tony Bennett (2012). “The Good Life: The Autobiography Of Tony Bennett”, Simon and Schuster
“The word of Mohammad is a voice direct from nature's own heart - all else is wind in comparison.”
Source : John C. Norcross, Kristin Loberg, Jonathon Norcross (2013). “Changeology: 5 Steps to Realizing Your Goals and Resolutions”, p.7, Simon and Schuster
Brigham Young
Founding Figure
Orson Pratt