“A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route indicates how we get there.”
“Real change comes when people are enabled to use their thinking and their energy in a new way, using a different system of thought, different language, and having fresh visions of the future.”
Source : Scilla Elworthy (1997). “Power and Sex: Developing Inner Strength to Deal with the World”, Element Books Limited
“Gaiety pleases more when we are assured that it does not cover carelessness.”
“To be at other people's orders brings out all the bad in me.”
Source : George Gissing (2015). “Will Warburton”, p.14, George Gissing
“By the time you are in your thirties, most of the time, you've got a job, you can pay for your rent, you can create this nice world around you. And still, you're only in your thirties - you're not that far away from your twenties, which is when you're making all of your stupid mistakes.”
Source : "Katie Aselton’s Freebie-jeebies". Interview with Alexandria Symonds, www.interviewmagazine.com. January 12, 2011.
“But I think Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang really got that thing where, if a movie reads really funny and then has some dramatic or violent or sinister stuff in it, you can't forget that primarily it has to be even funnier than you read it or that other stuff doesn't work.”
“But let me offer a word of caution. If you choose to give from your heart, be careful. The most incredible feeling might just overwhelm you. And if you continue in this behavior, that feeling may become permanent.”
“Art is viable when it finds elements in the surrounding environment. Our ancestors drew their subject matter from the religious attitudes which weighed on their souls. We must now learn to draw inspiration from the tangible miracles around us.”