Source : William Habington (1948). “Poems”
#Carpe Diem Quotes #Years Quotes #Carpe Quotes
“I think that life expectancy over the last 10 years has increased dramatically. You're living longer.”
“No trust is to be placed in women.”
“Make friends with pain, and you will never be alone.~Ken Chlouber, Colorado miner and creator of the Leadville Trail 100 mile race”
“To be a role model is not something you choose, it is chosen for you and once it is you must accept the responsibility bestowed upon you”
“That and when you're doing live action you don't normally get to see the thing before it's in production. In this case we'd go in every couple weeks and look at animatic and sketches. The way they do it - is they'll put it up on a screen and the storyboard artist who worked on that sequence will talk you through it. Kind of like a pitch session. Then they would leave and we would sit there with the directors and say 'Alright - what if we change that? What if we do that?' It's very different from live action.”
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“Things don't change because people change their minds. They change because they retire or die.”
“Most of the time, actors respond to the thing thats so far from who they are. We all want to play the serial killer and the ex-con.”
“And much it grieved my heart to think What man has made of man.”
Joseph Hall Writer