“I just don't think CGI is up to manipulating the human face yet. I feel like you can get away with it with aliens or monsters or something that's intentionally foreign, but I have yet to see anything digital to do with the human face that doesn't just look ridiculous.”
Source : "Rian Johnson on his writing process and the appeal of alternate-history films". Interview with Tasha Robinson, www.avclub.com. September 27, 2012.
“We are most of us very lonely in this world; you who have any who love you, cling to them and thank God.”
“Rogues are always found out in some way. Whoever is a wolf will act like a wolf, that is most certain.”
“We must do all we can to empower parents and communities to protect our youth and to encourage healthy behavior free from binge drinking and other forms of alcohol abuse.”
Source : "Under age, under the influence" By Jean Weinberg, www.cnn.com. June 6, 2005.
“If, then, you are looking for the way by which you should go, take Christ, because He Himself is the way.”
“In the end, the discipline of verification is what separates journalism from entertainment, propaganda, fiction, or art.”
“People ask me, 'Did the fame come too fast? Do you ever wish for your old life?' I always tell them that there's nothing on earth better than being famous.”
“When the regime changed in Japan, the Japanese changed; Russians too can change, as long as the conditions for it are present once again. Today, we are on the verge of a very uncertain situation when either everything will end in catastrophe, or better people will come to power.”
Source : Source: www.thedailybeast.com