Uncontrollable quotes

  • I did not like the way I looked in a pair of white pants.

  • A bore is a vacuum cleaner of society, sucking up everything and giving nothing. Bores are always eager to be seen talking to you.

  • Down below the broad, roaring waves of the sea break against the deep foundation of the rock. But high above the mountain, the sea, and the peaks of rock the eternal ornamentation blooms silently from the dark depths of the universe.

  • Experience is stronger than belief. Once we have experiences our mind begins to open. This works better than me forcing my own experience or knowledge onto anyone. Show them how to have their own experiences.

  • I don't care who you love. If you love this country enough to risk your life for it, you shouldn't have to hide who you are.

  • Women get 77 cents on the dollar that men get for the same job.

  • Our problem in America is not with atheists or the pagans who are consistent with their unbelief, but with believers who are inconsistent with their belief.

  • I'm not into politics. I'm into survival.

  • I am a humanist because I think humanity can, with constant moral guidance, create reasonably decent societies. I think that young people who want to understand the world can profit from the works of Plato and Socrates, the behaviour of the three Thomases, Aquinas, More and Jefferson - the austere analyses of Immanuel Kant and the political leadership of Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt.

  • I've just had some bad news. Tomorrow is the mother in law's funeral. And she's cancelled it.