Old Glory quotes

  • Each American embassy comes with two permanent features - a giant anti-American demonstration and a giant line for American visas. Most demonstrators spend half their time burning Old Glory and the other half waiting for green cards.
    -- P. J. O'Rourke

    #Funny #Humorous #Old Glory

  • You want to know my definition of gun control? Being able to stand there at 25 meters and put two rounds in the same hole. That's gun control.

  • An onion can make people cry but there's never been a vegetable that can make people laugh.

  • Boys are 30 percent more likely than girls to drop out of school. In Canada, five boys drop out for every three girls. Girls outperform boys now at every level, from elementary school to graduate school.

  • Bushido is realized in the presence of death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice between life and death. There is no other reasoning.

  • Block Watch, Crime Watch, we have hundreds of thousands of Americans, every day and night, risking their lives, going out for no pay as volunteers, protecting Americans like all of you and not asking anything in return. And the other day I'm speaking in a high school in New Jersey and the youngsters go, oh, you're just like Zimmerman.

  • That’s when this warm feeling buzzes through you and you smile to yourself, knowing God’s watching you, knowing that He knows you’re trying to be strong to please Him.

  • You can never have enough garlic. With enough garlic, you can eat The New York Times.

  • In ten Muslim countries you can get the death penalty just for being gay. If they were chopping the heads off of gay people in the Vatican, wouldn't there be a greater outcry among liberals?

  • A man who has bought a theory will fight a vigorous rearguard action against the facts.

  • Is death that which gives meaning to life?