Garik Israelian famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • We are all made from star dust and we will all return to star dust, like a cosmic palindrome.

  • Poetry is a way for me to explore a tingly feeling, to let it play itself out, and also to map it. I feel like I'm making little star maps when I write poems.

  • I was born by God's dear grace, in an extraordinary place. Where the stars and stripes, and the eagle fly.

  • There is one common thing in superstars - enthusiasm and humility towards their work. Off sets, they are big stars for others, and they carry themselves the way they want to. When they are working, they are not stars.

  • The human race has improved everything, but the human race.

  • Modern civilization is so complex as to make the devotional life all but impossible. It wears us out by multiplying distractions and beats us down by destroying our solitude, where otherwise we might drink and renew our strength before going out to face the world again.

  • Apart from God nothing matters. We think that health matters, that freedom matters, or knowledge or art or civilization. And but for one insistent word they would matter indeed. That word is eternity.

  • Humankind has suddenly entered into a brand new relationship with our planet. Unless we quickly and profoundly change the course of our civilization, we face an immediate and grave danger of destroying the worldwide ecological system that sustains life as we know it.

  • Sometimes a piece of music in the score isn't effective. When a score is too well finished with too many elements, sometimes it's too much.

  • My painting occurs when I think of two disparate elements.

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