Alex McLeish famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • The reality is we are 0-3. The reality is that we can still be a very good football team. We need to show that on Monday night.

  • I wouldn't watch football if it wasn't for Lord Bendtner

  • I take football as an avenue to different opportunities. Football is not using me; I'm using football.

  • I've got the 30 drive right now. You turn 30, I don't know, life is exciting again; thirties is when you've got it all figured out. You start reaching some of your goals, and achieving some great things.

  • Getting adjusted regularly is part of my goal to win in life and on the field.

  • I demand pretty aggressive goal setting and a commitment to measured progress towards those goals because I don't like surprises. I don't even like good surprises.

  • We never had planned to hijack a ship. We never thought of any war plans outside the Palestinian lands. We wished that the program had not failed and then the warriors could have achieved their goals.

  • You only get a second to score a goal in football. In Wolves' case it was 20 seconds

  • just in case" is the curse of packing

  • Alice suspected Paul couldn’t really picture his father, just like she couldn’t picture Paul when he was away. Maybe that was the case with people you wanted more than was good for you.

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