Faiz Ahmad Faiz famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • Nobody ever forgets their first night in the bush. It's among the precious, meagre handful of life firsts that remain indelible.

  • One of the first signs of a Spirit-filled life is enthusiasm!

  • I take the walk to be the externalization of an interior seeking so that the analogy is first of all between the external and the internal.

  • The first part of my career, how I was paying the bills was commercials. I was just doing tons of commercials.

  • Music is all about transporting people; speaking a language which languages fail to express.

  • I want to go beyond the restrictions of language, religion and caste, and music is the only thing that allows me to do that.

  • We breathe in our first language, and swim in our second.

  • Poetry is above all a concentration of the power of language, which is the power of our ultimate relationship to everything in the universe.

  • The world of this is a load of crap. You get all these bloody people, so incredibly sycophantic.

  • All revolutions are bloody. The October Revolution was bloodless, but it was only the beginning