Penny Wong famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • Marriage equality is not a choice. It is a legal right.

  • But perhaps the next step isn't to, once again, expand the otherwise narrow definition of marriage but to altogether abolish the false distinction between married families and other equally valid but unrecognized partnerships.

  • Marriage should not be a goal; it should be a choice. One choice available out of many recognized as valid by society. But it isn't. Not yet. Right now, as far as society is concerned, you are married or you are not yet married. And as that notion becomes further codified our freedom to make other choices steadily erodes.

  • If after accepting the spiritual master and being initiated one does not follow the rules and regulations of devotional service, then he is again fallen.

  • You have no control over what the other guy does. You only have control over what you do.

  • If some hole does not possess striking individuality through some gift of nature, it must be given as much as possible artificially, and the artifice must be introduced in so subtle a manner as to make it seem natural.

  • Uber is a $3.5 billion lesson in building for how the world *should* work instead of optimizing for how the world *does* work

  • Sexuality is not a leisure or part-time activity. It is a way of being.

  • I don't hate homosexuals. I love homosexuals. It's the sin of homosexuality I hate.

  • I used to be told if I talked about my sexuality in any way that we wouldn't have a tennis tour.

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