Landon Liboiron famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • Stars ink your fingers with a lexicon of flame blazing rare knowledge.

  • I knew I was destined to be a rock star. I just knew it, like I've always had the power of foresight. I feel right now exactly the way I felt after I finished mixing my first solo album 'New York Groove'.

  • City lights shine bright on my complexion, hairs flashing at the intersection. Life is a green light, one star, no script, Supporting actors...fresh peaches, no pit.

  • How do you gag the voice in your head that says, 'You don't have to [do it] today. There's always tomorrow.'?

  • Your inner voice is the voice of divinity. To hear it, we need to be in solitude, even in crowded places.

  • Singing for stage, if you don't hear yourself, that's when you push, and that's when you can hurt your voice sometimes. So if I can hear myself in my ear, it really helps me to find that balance of how loud I needed to be singing.

  • Film is very much a universal and common voice, and we can't limit it to one particular culture.

  • The way to recover the meaning of life and the worthwhileness of life is to recover the power of experience, to have impulse voices from within, and to be able to hear these impulse voices from within — and make the point: This can be done.

  • It's a tremendous responsibility to be direct descendants of the prophet Muhammad. This family has had the burden of leadership on its shoulders for 1,400 years. I'm not going to drop the ball on my shift.

  • He's passing the ball like Idi Amin.