Dylan Walsh famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • One of the greatest gifts I've ever gotten is my daughter.

  • I've always loved music videos - I used to make my own for bands like Pearl Jam. My favorite directors are Michel Gondry, Spike Jonze, and Patrick Daughters.

  • They wrapped her up like a baby burrito to show to Mom. Here were a mother and her daughter and I love them both so much. I couldn't wait for Courtney to come to the hospital so I could have all my women together.

  • Music is language itself. It should not have any barriers of caste, creed, language or anything. Music is one, only cultures are different. Music is the language of languages. It is the ultimate mother of languages.

  • Before you count the profit, count the cost of a working mother.

  • Blaire, This was my grandmother’s. My father’s mother. She came to visit me before she passed away. I have fond memories of her visits and when she passed on she left this ring to me. In her will I was told to give it to the woman who completes me. She said it was given to her by my grandfather who passed away when my dad was just a baby but that she’d never loved another the way she’d loved him. He was her heart. You are mine. This is your something old. I love you, Rush

  • I wanted to live. For the father and brother who I never knew and for my mother who was cheated of a life of happiness. I wanted to live for them. And I wanted to live for me.

  • Just because I don't show six-pack abs doesn't mean that I don't have them.

  • I went through about six or seven painting methods just to see what I didn't want to do. And then I got off the wall, and went into the environment.

  • Going back to Ireland involves at least six to seven emotional breakdowns for me per day.