Robin Lopez famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.

  • My family is my strength and my weakness.

  • I love cooking for myself and cooking for my family.

  • But it became clear as time went on that in Mr. Bush's mind the New World Order was founded on a convergence of goals and interests between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, so strong and permanent that they would work as a team through the U.N. Security Council.

  • The reality is we are 0-3. The reality is that we can still be a very good football team. We need to show that on Monday night.

  • No I or individual is better than the team. I've scored no goals just on my own. Every goal I've ever scored has been because of someone else on my team, their excellence, their bravery. And I'm kind of the end product of a collection of a really good vibe, and feeling, and creativity on the field.

  • Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

  • I believe in instinct, not reason. When reason is right, nine times out of ten it is impotent, and when it prevails, nine times out of ten it is wrong.

  • Hope lies to mortals And most believe her, But man's deceiver Was never mine.

  • I'm still agnostic. But in the words of Elton Richards, I'm now a reverant agnostic. Which isn't an oxymoron, I swear. I now believe that whether or not there's a God, there is such a thing as sacredness. Life is sacred. The Sabbath can be a sacred day. Prayer can be a sacred ritual. There is something transcendent, beyond the everyday. It's possible that humans created this sacredness ourselves, but that doesn't take away from its power or importance.

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