Danila Kozlovsky famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • They say that only very good friends quarrel. But at the end of the day a quarrel is a fight between two people’s egos. Since people cannot understand each other by just being honest. May be its impossible to live your whole life without getting hurt but don’t hurt the people close to you.

  • I'm blessed in my good friends, and some of them happen to be writers, though that's almost never what our friendships are about. And every writer I've ever read, living or dead, has in one way or another helped and inspired. I have a feeling it's important not to mix the two up.

  • I have everything in the world that is necessary to happiness, good faith, good friends and all the work I can possibly do. I think God's greatest blessing to the human race was when He sent man forth into the world to earn his bread by the sweat of his face. I believe in toil, in the dignity of labor, but I also believe in adequate compensation for that toil.

  • Believe it, my good friend, to love truth for truth's sake is the principal part of human perfection in the world, and the seed-plot of all other virtues; and if I mistake not, you have as much of it as I ever met with in anybody.

  • It is a royal privilege to do good and be ill spoken of.

  • I went to London and performed in Eric Clapton's concert at the Royal Albert Hall. I'll work with him any time he asks me.

  • The Hudson's Bay Company has always been the guardian angel of the north.

  • The child’s parents are not his makers but his guardians.

  • The worst of guardians is a cruel ruler. Beware of becoming one of them.

  • The artist has to be a guardian of the culture.