Hermione Lee famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • You have to enjoy your job; you should wake up every day and love what you do... I honestly do... From the bottom of my heart to the depths of my soul. I'm truly happy.

  • Rent' was my first professional job, ever.

  • This writing business. Pencils and what-not. Over-rated, if you ask me. Silly stuff. Nothing in it.

  • Back in the days when American billboard advertising was in flower [said Hemingway], there were two slogans that I always rated above all others: the old Cremo Cigar ad that proclaimed, Spit Is a Horrid Word-but Worse on the end of Your Cigar, and Drink Schlitz in Brown Bottles and Avoid that Skunk Taste. You don't get creative writing like that any more.

  • I had casually rented an apartment that cost $75 a month because I expected my writing to pay my way.

  • If the first requisite for writing well about food is a good appetite, the second is to put in your apprenticeship as a feeder when you have enough money to pay the check but not enough to produce indifference of the total.

  • I spend a lot of time doing carpentry. Sometimes there is nothing that gives me the contentment that sawing a piece of wood does.

  • The electronic spectrum is the only natural resource in which there's no such thing as private property rights. You can't own a piece of the spectrum.

  • That's what we do on 'Entourage.' We embed ourselves in legitimate authentic moments so wherever the action is happening, we're taking pieces from that red carpet.

  • I hear about stars being torn to pieces by fans. It never happened to me and I never saw it happen to anyone else