Yoon Sang-hyun famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • In the papers this morning: 'Police closing in on Ian Holloway.' Sorry, it's 'Palace closing in on Ian Holloway.'

  • The best way to be loved, is to love yourself.

  • The only urgent thing in life is the pursuit of love. You get that one right, and you've solved the mystery.

  • The only comfort within chaos is admitting you have no control.

  • Life can be tough sometimes. But I think it just starts with admitting, 'Okay, the world's not perfect, how do we live our lives within that and not be miserable?'

  • Admitting errors clears the score and proves you wiser than before.

  • Seeing and admitting the truth about ourselves, about our role in creating our own problems, and about how we relate to others is vital for healing.

  • Yes, I'm shallow, I don't mind admitting it. Perhaps I should admit that there's no end to the depths of my shallowness.

  • I'm highly aware that some impulses are harder to ignore than others. I'm aware that fear of consequences causes us to guard our secrets. But it's our actions when faced with temptation that define who we are. It's our courage in admitting what we've done wrong that makes us forgivable.

  • When a guest blogger can't even be bothered sharing their own post on their social networks; they're pretty much admitting 'I don't care about this post, and I don't want to be associated with it'. In the end these guests posts are just another form of spam.

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