Darrell Green famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • I think vestigially there's a synesthete in me, but not like a real one who immediately knows what colour Wednesday is.

  • Of course, the advantage is that, being in this business, you get to learn a lot, experience a lot of new things, and you can become real successful. The disadvantage is, of course the negative media. People may try to manipulate you and control you, and those are the things you have to avoid. But if you maintain strong family values and you believe in God, you can be successful. So, it's been tough, but I've gotten through it because I stuck with my family and my deep belief in God.

  • Well, I think that the image is a part of me. I wear the baggy pants, the hats, the whole nine. And you know, I may add a little for the excitement and the intrigue in the videos, but my family has told me that little air of mystery that surrounds me is for real.

  • A visual understanding of great composition and how to use a camera and expensive lenses can be learned, but drive and a real hunger for making photos and telling stories... I don't think that part can be learned. You either have that inside, or you don't.

  • We're enamored with the concept that there's always a price. But sometimes, your goal is to build a great company, not sell it.

  • Getting adjusted regularly is part of my goal to win in life and on the field.

  • I don't care who scores the goals, I'm going to leave my human beingness on the field!

  • No I or individual is better than the team. I've scored no goals just on my own. Every goal I've ever scored has been because of someone else on my team, their excellence, their bravery. And I'm kind of the end product of a collection of a really good vibe, and feeling, and creativity on the field.

  • India must achieve the real goal?that is energy independence or an economy which will function well within total freedom from oil, gas or coal imports.

  • This is my belief: that through difficulties and problems God gives us the opportunity to grow. So when your hopes and dreams and goals are dashed, search among the wreckage, you may find a golden opportunity hidden in the ruins''.

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