Robert Holdstock famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • The fighter (like the writer) must stand alone. If he loses he cannot call an executive conference and throw off on a vice president or the assistant sales manager. He is consequently resented by fractional characters who cannot live outside an organization.

  • But I guess I like playing flawed guys 'cause it gives a place for the characters to go.

  • Be more interested in people's character, than their contributions.

  • What is the subject matter of this apparently very personal world? It has been suggested that these shapes and images are underworld characters, the inhabitants of the vast common realm of memories that have gone down below the level of conscious control. It may be they are. The degree of emotional involvement and the amount of free association with the material being photographed would point in that direction.

  • The most difficult and complicated part of the writing process is the beginning.

  • He [Hemingway] used a stand-up work place he had fashioned out of the top of of a bookcase near his bed. His portable typewriter was snugged in there and papers were spread along the top of the bookcase on either side of it. He used a reading board for longhand writing.

  • I had casually rented an apartment that cost $75 a month because I expected my writing to pay my way.

  • The only way to write is well and how you do it is your own damn business.

  • Unless we abandon elements which resemble a police state, we can't meet the demands of being a modern society.

  • My painting occurs when I think of two disparate elements.