Holland Cotter famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • I've never had a treehouse because I live in New York City. It would be a little bit hard to fit a treehouse in a New York City apartment.

  • To say this sacred prayer [the Kaddish, prayer for the dead] for a Gentile is a most uncommon proceeding, but so unanimous and ardent is the feeling of the people of the New York ghetto in the present instance that Pres. William McKinley is spoken of in that quarter as "the loving brother of all of us," as one who "died a martyr to the freedom of Jew and Gentile.

  • [ Computing ] is just a fabulous place for that, because it's a place where you don't have to be a Ph.D. or anything else. It's a place where you can still be an artisan. People are willing to pay you if you're any good at all, and you have plenty of time for screwing around.

  • I am fascinated by the Royal Family because they are shrouded in mystique, and the Queen, and to a certain extent William, represent fabulous blank canvases. I find the Prince of Wales less fascinating because he spills the beans and we know too much about him.

  • It's fabulous when you do that, when you discover somebody who you like, when you kind of feel those feelings, even though he articulates them better.

  • Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone, I here, though there, yet both but one.

  • We've all got stardust in our bones...

  • Everyone who knows me knows that I don't have a prejudiced bone in my body.

  • You're not in love if you keep your own heart bricked up behind your bones. You're only playing.

  • I want a big fat woman with meat shaking on her bones.