Robert K. Merton famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • The youthful brain should in general not be burdened with things ninety-five percent of which it cannot use and hence forgets again... In many cases, the material to be learned in the various subjects is so swollen that only a fraction of it remains in the head of the individual pupil, and only a fraction of this abundance can find application, while on the other hand it is not adequate for the man working and earning his living in a definite field.

  • Where lies the line between sorcery and science? It is only a matter of terminology, my friend.

  • The tree of research must be fed from time to time with the blood of bean-counters, for it is its natural manure.

  • Intellectuals ... regard over-simplification as the original sin of the mind and have no use for the slogans, the unqualified assertions and sweeping generalizations.

  • If the modern leader doesn't know the facts, he is in grave trouble, but rarely do the facts provide unqualified guidance.

  • Harriet Miers is totally qualified for the Supreme Court of the United States. Her legal background, her absolute leadership in the legal field when she was a practicing lawyer are unqualified.

  • The best way to accomplish serious design ... is to be totally and completely unqualified for the job.

  • I'm unqualified to do anything other than music.

  • Unless we abandon elements which resemble a police state, we can't meet the demands of being a modern society.

  • When energy prices go up, the difficulty of projecting demand also goes up - uncertainty goes up.