Michael Persinger famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • The Holy Scripture is like a diamond: in the dark it is like a piece of glass, but as soon as the light strikes it the water begins to sparkle, and the scintillation of life greets us.

  • The light, the sky, the water, they were all things you looked *through* during the day. At night, they were things you looked *into*. You looked *into* the stars, you looked *into* dark rollers and the surprising platinum flash of their caps.

  • As a rule, dictatorships guarantee safe streets and terror of the doorbell. In democracy the streets may be unsafe after dark, but the most likely visitor in the early hours will be the milkman.

  • It's everywhere, really. It's between the galaxies. It is in this room. We believe that everywhere that you have space, empty space, that you cannot avoid having some of this dark energy.

  • You can only drink 30 or 40 glasses of beer a day, no matter how rich you are.

  • But when I know that the glass is already broken, every minute with it is precious.

  • The encouragement I got from Campbell was a quick check and praise. Once the Space Beagle was launched on its mission, it seemed natural for it to breed additional thoughts.

  • Let's face it, space is a risky business. I always considered every launch a barely controlled explosion.

  • I've been told I sold 110m albums and singles. If that's the case, I should've come here in a space rocket.

  • In the New Yorker library, I have long been shelved between Nadine Gordimer and Brendan Gill; an eerie little space nestled between high seriousness of purpose and legendary lightness of touch.