Olavo de Carvalho famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • He pressed a kiss to my ear. “Do you feel stretched? Can you tell I’ve been inside you?” I nodded, feeling my knees go a little weak from the tone in his voice. “Good. I like knowing you can feel where I’ve been.

  • Women move through the world never knowing their power.

  • Don't ever give up. Believe in yourself or no one else will. My personal saying is: 'I'd rather die knowing that I tried to do what I love.'

  • Yoga is when you feel pure consciousness and spirit.

  • When consciousness has no thoughts in it, one can experience spirit and live in harmony with the universal forces.

  • Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement.

  • A dialogue among civilizations can be seen as a dialogue between the individual and the universal.

  • The Internet changes the structure of society all the time—this massiveness made of individuals.

  • It requires two indiscreet persons to institute a quarrel; one individual cannot quarrel alone.

  • Nothing satisfies an individual incapable of enjoyment.