Nelsan Ellis famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • It's never really fun to have to cry in a scene or anything like that.

  • I got heavily into the drum-and-bass scene, which is really wicked.

  • So cute how you called out for Damen after conjuring that chaste little love scene in your head.

  • In every relationship, sooner or later, there is a court scene. Accusations, counter-accusations, a trial, a verdict.

  • Gravity. It's not just a good idea; it's the law!

  • From that day on it was as if Ren freed me from gravity. I was floating in the sky. Higher. Higher. Higher.

  • You yourself must know how boring gravity is to oneself and everyone else.

  • There's no evidence whatsoever that Darwin had anything useful to say or anything to say period about how life began or how the universe began or how gravity began or how physics began or fluid motion or how thermodynamics began. He had nothing to say about that whatsoever.

  • Mythology is like gravity, inconvenient at times, but necessary for cohesion.

  • Life was never anything but a perpetual see-saw between gravity and jest.