Otto Gross famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing than a long life spent in a miserable way...

  • A man must have grown old and lived long in order to see how short life is.

  • I [prefer] a short life with width to a narrow one with length.

  • A saying from the area of Chinese medicine would be appropriate to mention here: "One disease, long life; no disease, short life." In other words, those who know what's wrong with them and take care of themselves accordingly will tend to live a lot longer than those who consider themselves perfectly happy and neglect their weakness. So, in that sense at least, a Weakness of some sort can do you a big favor, if you acknowledge that it's there.

  • I want to be a hero, a small and good kind of hero, even though I know heroes have very short lives.

  • Sins cut boldly up through every class in society, but mere misdemeanours show a certain level in life.

  • Art is eternal, but life is short.

  • I must pack my short lifer full of interesting events and creative activity. Philosophy and aesthetic contemplation are not enough. I intend to do everything possible to broaden my experiences and allow myself to reach the fullest development. Then, and before physical deterioration obtrudes, I shall go on some last wilderness trip to a place I have known and loved. I shall not return.

  • Why should it be thought incredible that the same soul should inhabit in succession an indefinite number of moral bodies? Even during this one life our bodies are perpetually changing, through a process of decay and restoration; which is so gradual that it escapes our notice. Every human being thus dwells successively in many bodies, even during one short life.

  • The trouble is you think you have time.