Robin Spriggs quotes

  • Mad, malevolent, and incantatory, The Orphan Palace reads like the hagridden fever dream of one who has not only stared the Abyss in Its black and fathomless face, but welcomed Its gaze in return . . . and become Its living embodiment. It is a journey to be taken by none but the bravest of readers, and by souls with an ardent desire to savor their own damnation.
    -- Robin Spriggs

    #Dream #Taken #Journey

  • My biggest dream to connect people through music has come true. In a world where there are enough reasons to separate us, the Oscars have unified us.

  • Having a dream, living that dream, losing that dream, dreaming again and then having that dream come true again is one of the greatest feelings ever because I`m stronger.

  • Thats a wonderful change thats taken place, and so most poetry today is published, if not directly by the person, certainly by the enterprise of the poet himself, working with his friends.

  • Do not be fooled by your youthful appearance for very soon it would be taken away from you.

  • People say that slaves were taken from Africa. This is not true: People were taken from Africa, among them healers and priests, and were made into slaves.

  • In America, we have always taken it as an article of faith that we 'battle' cancer; we attack it with knives, we poison it with chemotherapy or we blast it with radiation. If we are fortunate, we 'beat' the cancer. If not, we are posthumously praised for having 'succumbed after a long battle.'

  • Baseball is about homecoming. It is a journey by theft and strength, guile and speed, out around first to the far island of second, where foes lurk in the reefs and the green sea suddenly grows deeper, then to turn sharply, skimming the shallows, making for a shore that will show a friendly face, a color, a familiar language and, at third, to proceed, no longer by paths indirect but straight, to home.

  • The journey that I have undertaken, meeting people from all walks of life and learning from them, has been my biggest achievement.

  • Journeys are the midwives of thought. Few places are more conducive to internal conversations than moving planes, ships or trains.

  • I dont drive around London much. Any journey around Islington involves hundreds of speed bumps that seem to tear the bottom of your car off.