Ronnie Kasrils famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • One should not be happy or distressed over desirables and undesirables, knowing that such feelings are just created by the mind.

  • For the most part I have been able to meet all my goals, but I always strive for bigger goals in life so everything's not complete just yet. My first aspiration was to be known as a singer and also as an advocate for sickle cell disease. I try to be that inspiration, you know. It's not as bad as people try to make it seem. I mean, it is, but it's not. People don't have to be afraid of it; they don't have to be held down by it. Try to find triumph in the situation.

  • Beware of addictive medicines. Everything in moderation. This applies particularly to the Internet and your sofa. The physical world is ultimately the source of all inspiration. Which is to say, if all else fails: take a bike ride.

  • Things worth having don't come easy," Woods said. "You have to fight for it until you're tired of fighting, and then you take a breather and fight some more." He squeezed my shoulder. "Don't give up. You'll regret it.

  • We are not in a position in which we have nothing to work with. We already have capacities, talents, direction, missions, callings.

  • Now, of my threescore years and ten, Twenty will not come again.

  • I first read science fiction in the old British Chum annual when I was about 12 years old.

  • In 1917 European history, in the old sense, came to an end. World history began. It was the year of Lenin and Woodrow Wilson, both of whom repudiated the traditional standards of political behaviour. Both preached Utopia, Heaven on Earth. It was the moment of birth for our contemporary world.

  • Once every five hundred years or so, a summary statement about poetry comes along that we can't imagine ourselves living without

  • A simple yet profound way to create a healthy body, a stress-free mind, and a peaceful sense of well-being.

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