“Each family of the United States military now attends to their loved ones funeral with a wrenching worry that it will be met possibly with a protest or a demonstration.”
Source : Congressional Record 109th Congress, 2nd Session, Volume 152, No. 66, May 24, 2006.
“Luck is only my lover, not my wife," replied Bahktiaan easily. He drew his saber. "If ever I wed, it will be skill and intelligence." "Tedious bedfellows," said Sergi.”
“The Lord had been very gracious, and spoke peace to me in the time of my distress, and I now most ungratefully turned again to folly; at times I felt sharp reproof, but I did not get low enough to cry for help.”
“Some say that I should settle down, go slower and not push so hard, so quickly for such transformational change. To them, I say that you misunderstand the size of the problems we face, the strength of the status quo and the urgency of the people's desire for change.”
“People are the story they tell themselves.”
Source : Source: screenanarchy.com
“By the time a bartender knows what drink a man will have before he orders, there is little else about him worth knowing.”
“When we think of other people as our center and fulfillment, we live frustrated lives.”
Source : Mary E DeMuth (2012). “Everything: What You Give and What You Gain to Become Like Jesus”, p.34, Thomas Nelson
“When you give up vengeance, make sure you are not giving up on justice. The line between the two is faint, unsteady, and fine...Vengeance is our own pleasure of seeing someone who hurt us getting it back and then some. Justice, on the other hand, is secure when someone pays a fair penalty for wronging another even if the injured person takes no pleasure in the transaction. Vengeance is personal satisfaction. Justice is moral accounting...Human forgiveness does not do away with human justice.”