“Learn to shake yourself loose from what the world believes is the only reality.”
“My culinary skills are terrible. I can't even make toast taste good. I do make scrambled eggs for myself sometimes but I wouldn't even inflict that on anyone else.”
“I was ten,†I said. “Give me a little credit.†“To a boy with aspirations like that, I would extend my respect—but not credit. Or life insurance.†Abraham sounded amused. “You are an interesting man, David Charleston, but you sound like you were an even more interesting child.”
“Donald Trump hasn't blown us up yet. But he terrifies me. For one thing, the incompetence. He doesn't have any real understanding of how the presidency works or even how Washington works. The only comfort I have is that he is so imcompetent that he can't do anything to cause a real problem.”
Source : Source: www.spiegel.de
“Donald Trump has been practicing the chords of reality politics for 11 years doing reality television. And so he's clearly the frontrunner and he is clearly dominating. But I still believe in some old rules.”
Source : "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd, www.nbcnews.com. February 21, 2016.
“When I see my own people going through the tough times, it's a wake-up call. I hope my influence can impact someone else's decision to get out here and vote.”
“The poets are supposed to liberate the words – not chain them in phrases. Who told the poets they were supposed to think? Poets are meant to sing and to make words sing. Writers don't own their words. Since when do words belong to anybody? 'Your very own words,' indeed! And who are you?”
Source : Brion Gysin, William S. Burroughs, Ian Sommerville (1973). “Brion Gysin let the mice in”, Ultramarine Pub Co
“I'm proud to be one. I feel a lot stronger, a lot sexier and I think that all of that is reflected in my music.”